do i have syphilis? signs and symptoms ofsyphilis hi, my name is dr. rebecca kuhn. i'm an hiv/aidsclinician. welcome to "do i have syphilis? signs and symptoms of syphilis."syphilis is a common sexually transmitted infection that can cause serious illness.having an active syphilis infection increases therisk you will get hiv or give hiv to someone else. hiv is incurable and can be fatal. ifyou are a pregnant woman, syphilis increases the risk that the pregnancy will end in miscarriage,death of the baby at birth or in infancy, or permanent disabilities for yourbaby. fortunately, syphilis can be diagnosed with a blood test and cured with can have syphilis without knowing it.
the symptoms are not always noticeable. ifyou think you may have been exposed to or infected with any sexually transmittedinfection, see a doctor and get tested whether or not you have any symptoms. allpregnant women should be checked for syphilis, hiv, and other sexually transmittedinfections. how is syphilis transmitted?syphilis is usually transmitted by vaginal, oral, or anal sexual contact. the second mostcommon way syphilis is transmitted is from mother to child during the pregnancy, orduring delivery. you can also get syphilis by kissing on or near a syphilis sore or bytouching an infected area on the person. symptoms of syphilissoon after infection, a sore develops that
is usually round, hard, raised, and painless.usually the sore is on the genitals, hands, or mouth. usually, there is just one, butsometimes there can be multiple sores. without treatment, the sore will usually healwithin three to six weeks. in many people with syphilis, lymph nodesnear the sore will swell up, especially if thesore is near the genitals. lymph nodes are small balls in your neck, underarms, groin,and knees that help fight infections. even after the initial sore has healed, your lymphnodes may stay enlarged. without treatment, the infection will usuallydevelop into secondary syphilis between three and six weeks after the sore this stage, you may have flu-like
symptoms, a sore throat, feel tired, loseyour appetite, or have swollen lymph nodes. most commonly, you will have a rash of redor pink spots on your body. the spots may become similar to a pimple or a mark. thespots will often appear on the sides of your body, your arms, or your genitals or on thepalms of your hands or the soles of your feet. you may also get white or gray spotson your mouth or genitals. a few people will lose patches of hair fromtheir scalp, beard or eyebrows. you may also develop problems with your kidneys, eyes,liver, bones, or joints; meningitis; or the final stage of syphilis, you may develop spots on your body, most commonly onthe skin, bone, or liver. the skin spots may
turn into ulcers. you may also developdementia, paralysis, and damage to the spinal cord and any stage of syphilis, you may also develop meningitis, headaches, nausea, vision andhearing problems, dizziness, memory and speech problems,irritability, and delusions. syphilis in pregnant womenif you are a woman who is pregnant or who may become pregnant, it is vital that yoube tested for syphilis. the united states centersfor disease control and prevention recommends that all pregnant women be testedfor syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections including hiv, chlamydia,and hepatitis b. the world health
organization recommends that all pregnantwomen be tested for syphilis the first time they visit their doctor and a second timein the third trimester as well as tested for hivand checked for symptoms of other sexually transmitted infections.if you are pregnant, have syphilis, and don't get treated, more than two-thirds of the time,your pregnancy will have a poor outcome. without treatment, there is a one in fourchance that you will have a miscarriage or that your baby will be born dead, and morethan one chance in ten that your baby will die as an infant. even if your baby survives,it may have syphilis and may be permanently disabled even after it is treated. by gettingtested for syphilis and treated if you need
it, you can protect your own health and yourbaby's health too. so if you are pregnant, talk to your doctor right away, get testedfor syphilis and hiv, and follow the doctor'sinstructions. syphilis treatmentif you have syphilis, your doctor will give you antibiotics. do not have sex until yourdoctor says you are cured. getting your sexual partners tested and treatedfor syphilis if you have a sexually transmitted infection,it is important that all of your current and recent sexual partners be tested and treatedas well. if you aren't comfortable telling acurrent or past sexual partner that you were
diagnosed with a sexually transmittedinfection, in many places, you can give the public health service the names and contactinformation of your partners and the public health service will ask your partners to gettested without revealing your name. preventing syphilisthe ways to reduce your risk of syphilis include: abstaining from sexbeing mutually faithful with a partner who has been tested and is known not to havesyphilis using a condom correctly every time you havesex, every way you have sex. using a condom is always a good idea and cangreatly reduce the risk of transmitting many sexually transmitted infections. however,syphilis can occur in and be transmitted
from parts of the body that are covered bya condom as well as parts of the body that arenot covered by a condom. using a condom can only reduce the risk of transmittingsyphilis if the infected part of the body, or the part of the partner's body that touchesit, are covered by the condom.see a doctor watching a video is no substitute for seeinga doctor and being evaluated in person. if youare feeling ill, have any signs or symptoms of disease, or think you may have beenexposed to a sexually transmitted infection, see a doctor and be evaluated in person.for, this is dr. rebecca kuhn.
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