treatments for peyronie's disease vary from,most conservatively, observation um followed by penile traction therapy, which is a deviceplaced in the penis to pull it straight, putting tension on the scar tissue. there are several injections. if you were to have a penile curvature here,let's say the plaque is here a we would inject multiple times into the plaque. a that's one treatment and then there's anenzyme um where we inject at one location within the plaque. a that enzyme eats away at the plaque tissueto relieve the curvature.
i do the injections a in conjunction withpatients doing penile traction therapy at home. other treatments include surgery; a there'sseveral types of surgery. if the penis is curved this way, a this sideis technically shorter than the other side due to the contraction from the scar. the first surgery is called a penile placationwhere we would put or well i would put stitches on the opposite side to straight straightenthe penis out. a the second surgery, a if the penis is curvedthis way, we i cut through the area of maximal curvature, release the tissue to give it lengthback and then put a graft over that area to
cover in the gap. however, the most common problem related tothis procedure is erectile dysfunction so i save that for more complex curvatures. and then the final surgical treatment wouldbe a penile implant and that helps for patients who have bad erectile dysfunction along withcurvature. usually the rigidity of the device is ableto fix most curvatures by itself. if not, a i can do a augmentative maneuversto further correct the curvature.
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