Thursday, February 9, 2017

natural treatment for diseases vertiligo disease

natural treatment for diseases vertiligo disease

vitiligo natural treatmentthe vitiligo natural treatment they don't want you to know aboutvitiligo is a skin disorder that causes white patches of skin to appear on different partsof the body. common areas include the body parts most exposed to the sun (such as thehands, face and feet) as well as areas such as the armpits and the genital region. thepatches tend to spread, sometimes very slowly over a number of years and sometimes in amatter of days. vitiligo affects about 100 million peopleworldwide. in the united states and europe, the prevalence is estimated to be about 1%of the population. it affects all races and both genders equally.

medical treatments for vitiligo are notoriouslyexpensive, ineffective and associated with a high risk of side effects. unfortunately,people with this condition are often desperate for a cure, and are willing to pay any pricetag, even when they are told about the problems and limitations of the therapies. every year,the pharmaceutical industry keeps coming up with new, more expensive and still ineffectivetherapies. and, the profits for the industry keep increasing� in fact, according to, in 2011the vitiligo therapeutics market was estimated to be worth $1.4 billon. by 2019, it is estimatedthat this market will grow to $2.7 billion, in other words, doubling the profit and thisalready lucrative niche.

knowing this, if i had to tell you that therewas a way to cure vitiligo naturally, without using any medications, special therapy orsurgery�would you be surprised that no doctor is telling you about it? of course not! infact, each patient that a doctor treats for vitiligo brings in on average $2,000 to $4,000yearly, making them one of the most profitable patients to have. well, guess what, there is such a cure! andit only involves the use of herbal extracts, vitamin supplementation and some dietary andlifestyle changes. and that's not all. you see, this is not 'new',or 'cutting-edge' research. not at all - in fact, medical scientists have published reportsabout how they cured vitiligo in just a few

weeks using only natural extracts and nutrientsas early as the 1980s! and again in the 1990s, there were several reports by swedish doctorsabout how a single herb and/or vitamin supplementation can halt the spread of vitiligo immediatelyand cure it completely in a matter of weeks with zero side effects. now, you may expect such great findings tomake big news right? not so. you see, the pharmaceutical and medical industry is drivenby profits, not benefits to patients. that's why they keep designing drugs that are expensive,of limited effectiveness, and that need to be taken continuously for years. that's theperfect combination for ensuring ever-increasing profits. an example of such shameless profiteeringon a large scale is the wide prescription

of statins for anyone with even borderlinehigh cholesterol. statins actually have very limited effectiveness, are associated witha number of side-effects, and�guess what�once a person starts taking them, they will needto keep taking them for their whole lives! not so surprising is it? same with vitiligocures - no medical professional or anyone involved in the industry will want you todiscover that you can cure yourself of vitiligo for just a few dollars worth of supplementswhen they can get you to pay thousands for their "latest technology" therapeutic treatments!vitiligo natural treatment well, now you know better�white patchedon skin if you want to know more about the naturalcure for vitiligo that the medical industry

is striving so hard to keep hidden from you,the go-to guy is michael dawson. dawson is an independent nutritionist and biomedicalresearcher, who in recent years has been working hard to expose the medical industry's unscrupuloustactics. he has also published the highly acclaimed "natural vitiligo treatment. to read more about natural vitiligo treatmentclick the link below this video now. natural vitiligo natural treatment system

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